Bam Ham Instagram Slam

Two snaps up for this month's cover, BUST.
Hello, Dolly! The latest issue of BUST magazine was just too cute NOT to post on Instagram. Not to mention inside was an article about online shops to buy glasses, and one of the shops mentioned was Zenni Optical. I remembered that Brenna’s adorable new teal glasses are from Zenni and she told me she paid about 30 bucks for them. 30 bucks for new glasses? I dropped a cool 300 on my Vera Wang glasses…and that was just for the frames alone.

Maggie and Bear Cub eating their greens.

I ended up going back to my eye doctor this week for some fresh lenses for my Vera Wangs, but also told them that I was planning on ordering a cheap-o pair of glasses from Zenni and did they have a problem with that? Nope, no problem at all. They wrote down all the info I needed and I promptly ordered a pair of glasses from Zenni that, shipping/lenses included, cost me a whopping 35 bucks. If they end up being decent I’ll promote the crap out of Zenni, because affordable glasses are a must-have for those of us who are blind! So blind.

Worked my way through this entire film today while adding glitter to the Holly painting. Watch again? Nah. But it made me want loooonger haaair (I love movies from the late 60s/early 70s).
This is “Zabriskie Point”, which I convinced myself I needed to watch because most movies from the late 60’s-early to mid 70’s are very very good to me. ZP was boring, but it made me want a tan and super long long long hippie hair, so there’s that. I ended up buying a “package” of fake tans for the summer, so I can be orange for the next 4 months! Alriiiiight! Dreams Realized.

Into these giant pink poppies currently blooming in our backyard.
I was insistent on buying pale pink poppy starters for our garden this year, and lo and behold, what should pop up in one of the planters? Pink poppies. Perennial plants + memory loss = a happy surprise the next year! I wonder what else is going to come back? Josh gets the plants confused with weeds, and was mad at me for pulling up a bunch of “perennials” recently when I was weeding. PLANTS versus WEEDS, husband. I’ve figured out the difference. And thank God I finally know what a stinging nettle looks like, ouch.

Butterscotch-dipped cone from Dairy Queen: you are so beautiful to meeeee
A lot of sugar snarfing has been going on ’round here. I can sort of blame PMS but something about warm weather makes me want to jam butterscotch-dipped cones from Dairy Queen into my maw. Last night it was a parade of “Sausalito” cookies by Pepperidge Farm and sour cream and onion chips, with fish tacos for dinner…and I’m pretty sure tonight will be a repeat of that.

This show makes me laugh so hard.
I mean, salts + sugars + new episodes of “Eastbound and Down” = not a bad way to spend your PMS evenings. Could be worse.

I've been looking forward to this one!
I figured I could shell out 3 cents (and 3.99 shipping) for a little humor. It’s not actually written by Chelsea, it’s written by various people in her life that she’s tortured over the years. I feel like an angel when I read about some of the horrible things she’s done!

The weekend is finally here and the forecast is ALL SUN AND FUN. Josh is going skiing tomorrow, and I have tentative plans with Christy to do something dog/beach/outdoors-related. Other weekend plans include riding my bike next to Josh while he trains for the marathon he’s (supposedly) doing next month, and working on finishing the Phyllis painting that I started um, a while ago. Maybe another fake tan? Why not? I couldn’t believe the number of compliments I received this week over my “tan”. Even when I told people it’s just a temporary spray of chemicals, they were still impressed. See, I knew all along I looked better orange. Happy Weekend!

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