camping part 4: Adventure Liz

from above
Join me in the final installation of our camping photos: the day I became Adventure Liz.

And how did I earn that title, you ask?

lake smile
By scrabbling up (and down) a steep rock-covered hill in my Chacos, at one point literally climbing a dozen sharp boulders. That’s right, ROCK CLIMBING! And I said it would never happen.

Bear Cub on the edge
I actually managed to squeeze in a day of work yesterday. Huzzah! When we return from our vacation, I have a whole month of work lined up, full time, which will be fabulous for our savings account.

rocky stretch
No babies, I’m afraid. The “good” news is I got the onslaught of disgusting cramps yesterday, so they won’t bother me during the looooong car rides today and tomorrow. Or, God forbid, at the actual wedding, where I will be wearing a skimpy chiffon dress.

rocky sides
We’re leaving today! And I still have to pack. And get a fake tan. And go to the library for books on tape. And drop my bitches off at the expensive kennel.

Liz and Bear Cub
I have a feeling San Francisco is not going to be very warm. My fantasy packing is all sundresses and sandals, but my reality packing should include…tights, maybe? Erf.

Maggie cliffside
I’m going to miss the rogs.

sitting point
I like this shot. The Boy is a good photographer. I keep telling him that!

hanging on
Finally, to top off a just about perfect camping trip, right after he took this photo…

heart shaped rock
…I found a heart shaped rock! Yay!

So long, blog logs, we’re off to San Francisco, the gayest city in the world! Heavennnnnn!

4 thoughts on “camping part 4: Adventure Liz

    1. thanks Liz. I’ve had a few tests–the good news is, they’ve all come back with great results. Maybe this is just one of those, “It took me 3 years to get pregnant” stories? I’m hopeful!

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